Post: Understanding the Customer Journey

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Understanding the Customer Journey

The worldwide web has changed the way we buy goods and services. Consumers are in more control and tend to tune out traditional marketing messages.

Reaching the Potential Buyer

All businesses want to grow. The challenge is how to reach a potential buyer. Classic sales techniques are ignored. No one wants to take a cold call from a salesperson during dinner. Even less appetizing are those pop-up ads when trying to read an article online or spam emails in your inbox.

So how do you reach a potential buyer? Let’s take a look at the buyer’s journey to find out.

Follow their Buying Journey

First, think about the last time you made a big purchase or had to use a company’s services. What is the first thing you did? We’re betting it was doing some research.

The internet is a great source of information and consumers know this. When purchasing an item or service, buyers want the best deal. They want a quality product. And, they want exceptional service.

Increase Your Online Presence

As consumers do research, they’re looking for reviews and testimonials. They’re searching for experts in their field that give advice and share their knowledge. And they want a connection with the company they’re buying from.

So how do you connect with a potential buyer on the internet with all the options available to them?

There are several ways to increase your online presence and help establish trust between a consumer and your business.

Serve Them Your Content

A simple way is to make sure you have updated content. A news or blog page is an excellent way to add new content to your site. Blog content shouldn’t try to sell your product or service, but instead, give advice. Educate your potential customer about your product or service. Give helpful tips. And list testimonials from happy customers.

The more content related to your business, the better you’ll rank in organic search listings. This does take time — between nine to 12 months in most cases if you don’t have an established web presence.

When writing content, think about the things you’d like your customers to know. They will be able to make a knowledgeable decision when they decide to buy. And they will trust you because you wanted them to feel educated and informed when making a decision.

The buyer’s journey can be a long process, but you can be part of that experience by taking a few simple steps.

Next week, we will talk about other ways to increase your online presence and keep top of mind awareness. As always, give us a call or send us a message with any questions.

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