Post: Five Reasons Your Website is Out-of-Date

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Five Reasons Your Website is Out-of-Date

With consumers spending more and more time on the web, it’s increasingly important to make sure your website is current. Technology does change rapidly. Once you bring home a television, computer, or new smartphone, it’s already dated and a newer model is being advertised. So, how do you know if your website is getting the job done without constantly changing the design each month (which, by the way, is as unrealistic as purchasing a new flat screen tv every month)?

Here are five reasons you should consider when evaluating your website.

1. It isn’t mobile responsive.

Okay, this is a biggie! So what does responsive mean? Responsive sites simply adjust your website to the size of the viewer’s screen. Some information may be displayed differently to allow legible text and quality images. Why is this important? According to recent data from Flurry, average growth for the mobile industry as a whole is up 78%, and global mobile app sessions rose nearly 150% year over year in January. This means more people are surfing the web on their smartphones and tablets. Having a responsive site that adjusts to the viewer’s screen gets your message in front of them, no matter where they are or what device they’re using.

2. It isn’t user-friendly.

Think about your online experience and apply it to your website. You may know where all your content is, but does your visitor? How many steps and clicks do they have to go through to get to a specific page on your site? If the answer is too many, then the time a consumer spends on your site will be drastically low. And if they aren’t spending time on your site, then they aren’t likely to buy from you. If you have too many drop-down menus in your navigation, it’s time to think about a re-design to simply your website. The less clicks the better.

3. Dated Content.

4. Blurry and digitized photographs.

Last week we discussed the importance of the hero shot. It’s also important that each image on your site is the proper size and resolution. With the growing number of phablets (yes, this is indeed a combination of the word phone and tablet – an example would be the iPhone 6 Plus and the Galaxy Note 4), it is important images are high quality. A grainy, blurry, or bitmapped image makes your website look unprofessional. And people don’t want to do business with someone they don’t deem professional.

5. No social presence.

You’re asking yourself what does social media have to do with my website? Actually, a lot. If you don’t have social media icons on your site and you don’t have a social media presence, then you are losing traffic to your site. Your website is the center of your digital presence and should be a reflection of your web campaign. However, a website isn’t enough today and by creating a social presence to drive traffic back to your website, you are able to keep your company top of mind awareness when a consumer decides to buy. Social sites also help you rank higher in browser searches. Not a believer? Search for the name of a local business. Chances are, their Facebook, Google+, or LinkedIn page will come up in the top 5 results.

If you have any questions or need help evaluating your website, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help you find a solution to fit your digital needs.

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